
Our Unlikely Savior

posted in: Grace, Holidays, Hope, Pride & Humility | 0

The King of Glory came to earth apart from the religious establishment, born in a stable filled with manure and overrun by flies. Angels announced His birth to a group of lowly shepherds who likely smelled as bad as the animals they herded. For thirty years, the Son of God dwelt in obscurity in the one-horse town of Nazareth, working as a tradesman. He had no position, no reputation, and no connections.

None of this transpired by chance. Just as the serpent had meticulously planned every detail of his garden temptation, so too, the Christ had deliberately ordered every detail of His entry into the human race.

Why? Why would God chose such foolish means to bring salvation to our broken world? Because the Son of God came full of grace and truth (John 1:14). God’s grace not only forgives, it also transforms the very core of the human heart. Through grace, we can break free from the stranglehold of sin and flourish in the life of Christ. But such grace becomes ours only as we humble ourselves in the sight of our Creator.

Can it be any clearer? Human pride opposes God and severely hinders us from staying in the flow of His transformational grace. Much has changed through the course of human history, but one thing has not; God still regards the lowly, and He still knows the arrogant from afar (Psalm 138:6).

If self-centeredness is our goal, we will be far from abiding in grace. If it is control that we seek, we will be far from abiding in grace. If a quest for glory flavors all that we do, we will be far from abiding in grace. When human pride is free to reign, poisonous fruit will always result. This is the spiritual reality that none of us can ignore without serious and painful consequences.

Admittedly, there are times when I lose my bearings and begin to focus on the seemingly unfair realities of life. As it is with card games, some people are “dealt” amazing hands, being born with money, privilege, good looks, and multiple talents. Others seem to have been given so little. With no family to speak of, and few natural abilities, they barely squeak through life until the grip of death pulls them under.

It all appears unfair and hopeless until I begin to focus on the value of humility. Because those who are admirable in the flesh are easily prone to pride, they are the ones least likely to realize their desperate need for God’s transformational grace. On the contrary, people who have been dealt “lesser hands” are more likely to look to the heavens for help. In the end, I find myself wondering exactly who was dealt the bad hand.

Jesus Christ came to earth as Our Unlikely Savior. Clothed in humility, He lived in total victory over pride. The King of kings now calls us, as vessels of love, to follow in His steps.

Christmas isn’t for those who can afford lavish gifts and expensive delicacies; it’s a holiday for common people to celebrate. The good news of grace is that the cross of Christ puts every human on equal footing. Better yet, those who are nobody in the eyes of the world can become somebody in the eyes of God. How unlikely is that?



photo credit: jcgoforth via photopin cc