While on anniversary getaways with another couple, we would often play guys against the gals board or card games. Our wonderful wives rubbed it in when they won and gave us a difficult time when they lost. It didn’t take long for my buddy and me to realize that we lost even when we won.
The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) recently handed down two landmark rulings regarding Obamacare and same sex marriage, and what happened was no game. Regardless, of how you side on the issues, much more was at play than conservative versus liberal agendas. In effect, the Constitution of the United States of America was rewritten.
No longer does it matter what language means; nor are bound to follow the rule of law laid out by our forefathers. As a culture we are finally breaking free from the “old monstrosity” of a document that kept us in the cultural dark ages. But little do we realize that the red carpet welcoming the return of feudal mindsets has just been rolled out in dramatic fashion.
For as long as politics have existed, the political process has been awash in sly maneuvering and deliberate arm twisting. But it seems to me that since 9/11, the play for power has known fewer and fewer restraints. (By no means am I singling out either major political party.) But if we are reaching the point where the end justifies practically any means, the once-vibrant spirit of our nation is dying.
Only a few perceptive people seem to realize that the line to the anchor of our civil liberties is being cut strand by strand. The freedom for judicial leaders to rewrite the constitution today means the freedom to take virtually any action tomorrow.
A person may delight to see an umpire flagrantly disregard the rules so that his favorite baseball team wins, but if the practice is allowed to continue, that team will unjustly be declared losers on another day.
Having read a little of pre-Nazi Germany, I can see many similarities with our current political landscape. When well-established fundamental freedoms such as those of speech, religion, press, and arms are abandoned for the sake of situational expediency, the stage is set for tyranny to rise.
Those who believe they won clear victories with this week’s rulings need to understand that their victories will be short lived, for in effect, they too have lost. Eventually, the balance of power will again shift, and the Constitution that once protected their own freedoms will, in effect, be toothless. Only too late will the truth dawn that they have been mere pawns in the timeless struggle for power.
I’m tempted to say that the only real “winners” are those lusting for power who now salivate as they patiently wait for an opportune moment to strike, but there’s more to the story.
God, you see, continues to reign. He didn’t fall off of His throne when the SCOTUS ruled, nor is He wringing anxious hands while contemplating His next move. He’s quite accustomed to this type of power game that the human race has played since its earliest days.
Regardless of what adversities lay ahead for God’s people in our nation, the powerful work of the Holy Spirit will be sufficient through every situation. We can continue to trust that in the end His kingdom will reign supreme.
My greater concern is for those whose entire existence is wrapped up in the systems of this world.
While I agree that the consolidation of power in this country is real, and has been going on since long before 9/11. It might be fair to say it’s been going on since day 2 of Washington’s first presidency. I was really looking forward to hearing how the constitution has been rewritten in your post, but that never happened. Isn’t the greatest strength of the constitution that it can change? No matter what side we’re on (see what I did there, tearing down the sides of dichotomous thought) change is always happening. I think those who felt they lost something in these decisions can take solace in knowing that nothing has changed for their beliefs. I don’t really think gay marriage, specifically, has any impact on the lives of those who oppose it. I don’t think these people will suddenly tell their children it is ok. At the end of the day, both kindness and barbarism begin at home. It’s easy to love. It’s easy to hate. It takes guts to be gentle and kind. God rules all. What matters is how we respond.
Jason, one of the weak points of blogging is that space is limited, which prevents greater detail. Perhaps the best why to support my claim is to post some of the articles I’ve read about specific situations in which religious freedoms are being eroded. Or maybe I can connect you with some of my conservative friends. 🙂
Our first and second amendment freedoms help to protect us from the consolidation of power which probably has been happening since day 2 of Washington’s first presidency, but I think the pace of the power grabbing by both parties (I added this part just for you) has escalated since 9/11.
As far as the constitution changing, there is a legislative process in place to make amendments. The SCOTUS bypassed that process and legislated from the bench–the heart or the problem I was trying to emphasize.
Also, I strongly disagree with your statement about the impact of gay marriage, but entirely agree that kindness and barbarism begin at home, and that it takes guts to be gentle and kind–something you do very well.
Isn’t the purpose of the supreme court to interpret the law? I think that’s what they did this past week. They didn’t really legislate anything. To me, this line of reasoning that they’re legislating from the bench feels like sour grapes, when it’s the opinion of whoever is on the losing side.
How does gay marriage negatively impact those who oppose it? Has marriage equality imperiled your marriage, or mine for that matter? If anything I feel like less of a hypocrite since first PA and now the nation.
What’s funny about me being gentle and kind, is that I have a long history of biting and vicious humor. I’ve actually lost friends over it.
Jason, regardless of how the grapes may taste, they are irrelevant to my reasoning in this situation.
The courts are to interpret the laws that are created by the legislature and approved by the president.
The problem is that the legislative process has been bypassed for much of the gay marriage issue. That is legislating from the bench.
Also, I doubt that this decision will ever affect my marriage–or yours–but that too is irrelevant. Most of what concerns me involves the world in which the coming generations will live.
I see a fair number of stories that talk about the erosion of religious rights due to efforts by the LGBT movement. (I experienced it myself with our IUP ministry in the early nineties). One of the reasons I don’t repost the articles is that I don’t like the attitude or the condescending language toward the left that I see in many of the articles. If you like, I can tag you when I see them.
Regarding Christian business owners, they should serve anyone in general, but to be forced to create something for a gay wedding violates their religious moral standards.