Our kids weren’t able to make it home for the holidays; they were working in public service positions. They—and many others— have chosen careers to serve those in need.
There may be times when you feel like nobody cares, but the truth is that there will always be someone willing to lay his or her life on the line for your well-being. Find yourself in a bad way on Christmas Day, for example, and people who could have been with their families will risk their lives to come to your aid.
Even though these things may be true in principle—and very real to public servants and their families—it’s easy for a person in the midst of adversity to feel alone. The same can even be said for Christians who have a genuine relationship with the God who created us.
God’s love is amazing and His care runs deep, but we can’t send Him a text to plan a face-to-face hang out at the coffee shop. Subsequently, when circumstances erupt in flames, our faith sometimes falters. And believe me, there will always be seasons of life that violate our hope-filled desires.
God Has Your Back
If you are a Christian, you can rest assured that God has your back. He genuinely cares, and nothing that happens to you goes unnoticed. Jesus didn’t suffer and die on the cross in order to abandon us. If there is a problem, it lies not with any sort of unfaithfulness on His part.
(If you aren’t yet a Christian, all I can say is that God wants to have your back. His arms are open wide, so the choice to draw near is yours, but it must be on His terms.)
Because God’s ways differ so radically from ours, we can easily find ourselves out of alignment with His wise design. The painful result is a “poor connection” between Heaven and Earth. Such a scenario, in the midst of adverse circumstances, can lead to a confusing spiritual wilderness experience.
God has your back and He’s always faithful to His promises. Sometimes, however, we need to find our bearings when we feel Him distant and ourselves wandering.
If you feel as though you’re in a spiritual wilderness, you’re not alone. Others—including myself—have traveled a similar path and emerged with stronger faith.
Navigating a Spiritual Wilderness
Because spiritual wildernesses are so common, I’m planning to take my blog in a different direction for 2016. In partnering with the new Christian Way Community website, I’ll be publishing weekly posts that mirror the content of my Champions in the Wilderness devotional. If you or a loved one is struggling with faith, you’ll want to subscribe to my blog (through the orange signal icon under Follow Us) or somehow other follow my posts.
Fellow Christian, you aren’t alone. God promises to have your back, and He continues to have good plans for your life (Jeremiah 29:11-13). Hopefully, 2016 will be a “year of adjustments” so that we can each emerge as blessed and victorious champions of the Christian faith.