The following core values help to define Search for Me Ministries:
God Owned
SfMe Ministries exists to advance the kingdom of God on this earth—not build our own kingdom. We seek to submit ourselves to His plans, purposes, methods, and timing in all we do.
Wisdom dictates that we recognize the difference between truth and culture. As a result, we labor to maintain an intensely Biblical basis and emphasis in all we do. At the same time, we want to remain open to fresh trends that do not compromise God’s truth.
Integrity means honoring God by word and deed in every aspect of life and ministry. It also translates into seeking the well-being of those connected with our ministry, not merely using people to accomplish our goals.
Financial Freedom
Finances play an important role in any ministry, but faith and love—not money—are our primary driving forces. While seeking to operate without debt, we provide an opportunity for people to help fund the work of our ministry without pressuring anyone to do so.
Leadership Development
It has been said that Christ’s one prayer request was for laborers for the harvest. Whenever possible, we seek to train and equip leaders for Christian churches, missions, and ministries. We labor to invest in those who will invest in others.
We desire to help Christian churches, missions, and ministries become more effective in reaching those who have not yet experienced the thrill and privilege of entering into a covenant relationship with the awesome Creator of the Universe.
Christian Unity
Christian unity is vital! As we humble ourselves and walk in love, synergistic teamwork enables us to reach our full potential in advancing Christ’s kingdom. We will not hesitate to cross denominational boundaries in serving those who passionately pursue Jesus Christ.