Day 3 – Open My Eyes

By nature, we all think that we see with crystal clarity. The idea that my wisdom is superior is not limited to those who have devoted themselves to study in the halls of higher learning. Living in a college town, … Continued

Day 1 – What to Do When Everyone Else Is Wrong

When I look around at the conflict and chaos in our nation, the problem is evident. I see the issues with crystal clarity, while others do not. If only they would humble their misguided hearts to see things my way, … Continued

Day 29 – Blessed Are the Peacemakers

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” Matthew 5:9 (ESV) I try to refrain from commenting on controversial issues on social media. Good rarely results. Social media provides a terrific platform for connecting with others … Continued

Day 28 – Destroying the Wall of Hostility

The Jewish temple in the time of Jesus was a sight to behold. The massive complex, which was perched on a prominent hill in the city, had been renovated by the wicked King Herod at great expense. Massive stones had … Continued

The Power of a Question

Christians often claim that Jesus is “The Answer,” and I would never disagree with such a statement. At the same time, Jesus asked an awful lot of questions. In fact, approximately 300 are recorded in the gospels. The Son of … Continued

The Tongue Is a Consuming Fire

posted in: Conflict, Relationships, Truth, Wisdom | 0

The scene is apocalyptic. Intensely burning flames consuming everything in their path and shooting bright-colored embers far into the sky. In their wake, nothing but the charred remains of dead trees standing here and there over the blackened and scorched … Continued

The Profits of Outrage

posted in: Conflict, Love, Peace, Relationships, Wisdom | 0

Cha-ching, cha-ching, cha-ching—the sound of a cash register—used to be the marker of sales and profits. Today, we hear the quiet click, click, click of a mouse button screaming in the world of money making. This change is especially true … Continued

Hurt by the Church?

If the Church is a living body united to the same head, governed by the same laws, and pervaded by the same Spirit, it is impossible that one part should be independent of all the rest. –Charles Hodge, scholar and author By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be … Continued

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