Religious Freedom Matters

posted in: Freedom, God, Justice, Wisdom | 0

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government … Continued

Day 8 – Fulfilling God’s Purposes

When I was growing up, there was a catchy pop tune that expressed frustration over the many signs in our world telling us what we could and couldn’t do. Today, those signs have been joined by voices—a vast array of … Continued

Day 22 – Giving God Our Burdens

Fearing that someone might inadvertently violate the Sabbath, Jewish religious leaders developed a long document—twenty-four chapters in all—to explain how to observe this “day of rest.” They went into meticulous detail to explain what type of work could be done … Continued

Day 21 – Freed by Love

King Saul was quite the human specimen. A man of stunning appearance, he stood head and shoulders above his contemporaries. Moreover, Saul’s father Kish was a valiant warrior from the beloved tribe of Benjamin. When the people of Israel demanded … Continued

Day 20 – The Stubborn Self-Will

My decision to become a Christian did not come easily or quickly. I was self-willed, and by its very nature, self-will refuses to let go of what it wants. Of course, there were plenty of hypocrites in our community for … Continued

Day 14 – Finding Strength in God

If ever God had a favorite child, it would have been David—the shepherd boy made king. In spite of his flaws and failures, David unashamedly expressed his love for the Lord through praise, worship, and even dance. David was favored … Continued

Day Twelve – Abiding in God’s Design

About ten years into my Christian walk, I found myself exhausted and discouraged. I was married to a great Christian woman, and we had two awesome young children. Debi and I owned our own home, and I had a well-paying … Continued

Day Eleven – God Reigns

Peter flew back against the side of the boat as yet another crashing wave breached its hull. That one hurt! To the seasoned fishermen on board, the situation looked grim. Their vessel was beginning to fill with water and only … Continued

Day Six – The Roots of Unrest

  Should the Bible be taken literally or figuratively? The answer is an unequivocal “Yes!” Parts of the Bible are to be taken literally, while others are intended to be figurative. Jesus Himself said that the Scriptures cannot be broken … Continued

Day Two – God Is Our Rock of Security

For God alone my soul waits in silence;from him comes my salvation.He alone is my rock and my salvation,my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken.Psalm 62:1-2 “There are no absolutes!” Such might be a statement commonly heard in a … Continued

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