Day 23 – Do You Want a Blessed Life or a Unicorn Existence?

King David was not a perfect person. And though he had a deep love for God, David took some very self-centered actions—such as sleeping with a trusted warrior’s wife and then having that man killed in battle to cover up … Continued

Haves and Have Nots

God can never entrust His Kingdom to anyone who has not been broken of pride, for pride is the armor of darkness itself. –Francis Frangipane, pastor and author A voice is calling, “Clear the way for the Lord in the wilderness; Make smooth in the … Continued

Who Are You Trying to Be?

Has there ever been a little boy who hasn’t dreamt of being a hero? If so, the number would be few. In ancient days, visions of kingship would have abounded in young minds. Several years back, my wife was babysitting … Continued

Insecurity Killed the King – Part II

The tragic story of Saul’s demise provides a powerful historical lesson for anyone aspiring to leadership: unconquered insecurity will corrupt the noblest of ambitions. Sadly, Saul’s error continues to be repeated generation after generation—even among Christian leaders. Shortly after I … Continued

Insecurity Killed the King

It seems rather strange that Samuel would anoint the shepherd-boy, David, to be king while the currently reigning king, Saul, still held the throne. Further still, David was not part of Saul’s lineage. Without kinship, David would be seen as … Continued

Are You FlaWed?

Sshh. I’d prefer that you not tell anyone if at all possible. Somewhere along the line I came to realize that I am a flawed person. But it’s not really something that I want others know. Our world demands perfection … Continued

What Does the Bible Say?

This blog series and the ensuing conversations have centered around the relationship between Christianity and homosexuality. We’ve had some interesting dialogue about a lot of issues, but this discussion can in no way be complete without taking into account a … Continued

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