Day 8 – Fulfilling God’s Purposes

When I was growing up, there was a catchy pop tune that expressed frustration over the many signs in our world telling us what we could and couldn’t do. Today, those signs have been joined by voices—a vast array of … Continued

Day 6 – Enlarge My Heart

I have walked this earth for more decades than I care to admit, but there is a part of me that never really grew up. My all-time favorite Christmas story continues to be How the Grinch Stole Christmas. I’m not … Continued

Day 24 – Finding Peace by Letting Go

Imagine being locked in a filthy prison, the victim of multiple injustices. You have been rejected and betrayed by your own family. And in spite of always helping others and trying to do the right thing, your circumstances continue to … Continued

Day 23 – Do You Want a Blessed Life or a Unicorn Existence?

King David was not a perfect person. And though he had a deep love for God, David took some very self-centered actions—such as sleeping with a trusted warrior’s wife and then having that man killed in battle to cover up … Continued

Day 21 – Freed by Love

King Saul was quite the human specimen. A man of stunning appearance, he stood head and shoulders above his contemporaries. Moreover, Saul’s father Kish was a valiant warrior from the beloved tribe of Benjamin. When the people of Israel demanded … Continued

Day 20 – The Stubborn Self-Will

My decision to become a Christian did not come easily or quickly. I was self-willed, and by its very nature, self-will refuses to let go of what it wants. Of course, there were plenty of hypocrites in our community for … Continued

Day 18 – The Center of the Universe

The Covid-19 pandemic of 2020 has not only wreaked death and havoc on our world, it has also brought some unexpected difficulties—such as a toilet paper shortage. Store shelves that were normally overflowing with this common staple suddenly became bare. … Continued

Day 15 – Beyond the Conscience

Therefore, no condemnation now exists for those in Christ Jesus, because the Spirit’s law of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death. Romans 8:1-2 (HCSB) In 1859, with his groundbreaking book … Continued

Day Nine – The Simplicity of the Gospel

As we begin to understand God’s design for humanity, we also begin to see that He never intended life on this earth to be so complicated. Think back with me to the paradise of Eden. How many restrictions did the … Continued

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