Day 8 – Fulfilling God’s Purposes

When I was growing up, there was a catchy pop tune that expressed frustration over the many signs in our world telling us what we could and couldn’t do. Today, those signs have been joined by voices—a vast array of … Continued

Day 7 – Teach Me Your Ways

The Word of God is so pregnant with life that sometimes a single verse can transform our thinking. Recently, my mind was opened to a whole new world of thoughts when I heard a pastor quote James 1:20: “The anger … Continued

Day 5 – Confessing Our Sins

The moment that Adam and Eve defied God and ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil stands at the epicenter of human tragedy. And as bad as the situation was, our ancient ancestors made matters all … Continued

Day 3 – Open My Eyes

By nature, we all think that we see with crystal clarity. The idea that my wisdom is superior is not limited to those who have devoted themselves to study in the halls of higher learning. Living in a college town, … Continued

Day 1 – What to Do When Everyone Else Is Wrong

When I look around at the conflict and chaos in our nation, the problem is evident. I see the issues with crystal clarity, while others do not. If only they would humble their misguided hearts to see things my way, … Continued

Day 22 – Giving God Our Burdens

Fearing that someone might inadvertently violate the Sabbath, Jewish religious leaders developed a long document—twenty-four chapters in all—to explain how to observe this “day of rest.” They went into meticulous detail to explain what type of work could be done … Continued

Day 14 – Finding Strength in God

If ever God had a favorite child, it would have been David—the shepherd boy made king. In spite of his flaws and failures, David unashamedly expressed his love for the Lord through praise, worship, and even dance. David was favored … Continued

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