Day 8 – Fulfilling God’s Purposes

When I was growing up, there was a catchy pop tune that expressed frustration over the many signs in our world telling us what we could and couldn’t do. Today, those signs have been joined by voices—a vast array of … Continued

Day 7 – Teach Me Your Ways

The Word of God is so pregnant with life that sometimes a single verse can transform our thinking. Recently, my mind was opened to a whole new world of thoughts when I heard a pastor quote James 1:20: “The anger … Continued

Day 6 – Enlarge My Heart

I have walked this earth for more decades than I care to admit, but there is a part of me that never really grew up. My all-time favorite Christmas story continues to be How the Grinch Stole Christmas. I’m not … Continued

Day 5 – Confessing Our Sins

The moment that Adam and Eve defied God and ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil stands at the epicenter of human tragedy. And as bad as the situation was, our ancient ancestors made matters all … Continued

Day 3 – Open My Eyes

By nature, we all think that we see with crystal clarity. The idea that my wisdom is superior is not limited to those who have devoted themselves to study in the halls of higher learning. Living in a college town, … Continued

Day 28 – Destroying the Wall of Hostility

The Jewish temple in the time of Jesus was a sight to behold. The massive complex, which was perched on a prominent hill in the city, had been renovated by the wicked King Herod at great expense. Massive stones had … Continued

Day 20 – The Stubborn Self-Will

My decision to become a Christian did not come easily or quickly. I was self-willed, and by its very nature, self-will refuses to let go of what it wants. Of course, there were plenty of hypocrites in our community for … Continued

Day 18 – The Center of the Universe

The Covid-19 pandemic of 2020 has not only wreaked death and havoc on our world, it has also brought some unexpected difficulties—such as a toilet paper shortage. Store shelves that were normally overflowing with this common staple suddenly became bare. … Continued

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