Day 3 – Open My Eyes
By nature, we all think that we see with crystal clarity. The idea that my wisdom is superior is not limited to those who have devoted themselves to study in the halls of higher learning. Living in a college town, … Continued
By nature, we all think that we see with crystal clarity. The idea that my wisdom is superior is not limited to those who have devoted themselves to study in the halls of higher learning. Living in a college town, … Continued
When I look around at the conflict and chaos in our nation, the problem is evident. I see the issues with crystal clarity, while others do not. If only they would humble their misguided hearts to see things my way, … Continued
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” Matthew 5:9 (ESV) I try to refrain from commenting on controversial issues on social media. Good rarely results. Social media provides a terrific platform for connecting with others … Continued
Jesus made some audacious statements, and you can bet that they weren’t just for shock purposes. The Son of God spoke all that He did for a purpose. And it makes sense that this would, of course, be true of … Continued
Of all the people in this world, Christian leaders are the ones who should be most passionate about discovering truth. And if our idea of truth is the actual truth, this pursuit will draw us closer together as we draw … Continued
I’ve known quite a few seasons of ministry difficulty in my life, but one stands out among the most challenging. My wife Debi and I began leading a local college ministry with visions of accomplishing amazing things for God. Twenty-one … Continued
Christians often claim that Jesus is “The Answer,” and I would never disagree with such a statement. At the same time, Jesus asked an awful lot of questions. In fact, approximately 300 are recorded in the gospels. The Son of … Continued
If you know me, or have read many of my posts, you’re aware that I’m not a fan of the politically correct herd mentality overtaking the United States. Sadly, all too many of us have learned to close our ears … Continued
I admit—it sounds terribly appealing. You know, the idea that all paths lead to God, that at their core we find no intrinsic differences between belief systems. I mean, if we can all accept this reality and just get along … Continued
Sadly, in many cases, I think that white conservatives are racist. I can’t provide statistics to prove my point, but I can share my personal observations. What I see may not tell the entire story, but it does tell something. … Continued