

We live in perilous times, and many caring people are deeply concerned about the future of our nation. They are concerned about the world in which their children and grandchildren will grow up. They remember the dear price that so many have paid for our freedoms and wonder what will become of them. 

God’s answer to the prosperity of a nation has always been His church, but the Western church has not fared so well in recent years. In particular, deep divisions have hindered the spiritual life of God from flooding our communities. It is no wonder that so much influence has been lost in recent years.

 “If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.” Mark 3:24 (NASB)

God’s Secret Weapon

Can you envision a world where people treat one another with respect and live in harmony? A world in which sound reason dictates influential decisions? A world in which our children can learn and play safely?

Such a world is possible, but it won’t happen by accident or default. Prayer is the answer to positive change! This is especially true of our communities because they form the building blocks of a nation.

Prayer alone, however, is not the answer. Our Lord also has a secret weapon that is so secret that many Christians do not know about it. That transformational weapon is unified prayer.

When the people of God come together to pray with one heart and in one Spirit, the Lord imparts a transformational blessing of life.

Without His supernatural life, all of our hard work will fall far short of its potential. But when His life is present, no power of darkness can stand against it!

Community Prayer Initiative

A Community Prayer Initiative is a 30-day experience that draws God’s people together to pray for their communities and our nation.

Using the Community Prayer Devotional written by Bob Santos, participants follow the same schedule and prayer points as they pray on their own time. (You can download a free copy of the devotional through through This joint effort then sets the stage for whatever next steps the spiritual leaders in the community feel led to take.

Please check out this Community Prayer Initiative testimony by Pastor Mark Yurich (Listening Heart Ministries) in the Detroit area:


Community Prayer Devotional

The Community Prayer Devotional can easily be personalized with the name of your community on the cover. There is no set-up cost, and the minimum first order is 25 books at $7.00 per copy.

Community Prayer Devotional for Your Community

The Community Prayer Devotional can also be personalized with your own community image. Please be advised that set-up costs apply for this option.

Non-personalized copies of the Community Prayer Devotional can also be obtained in the following formats:

  • An Amazon Kindle eBook for only $.99.
  • An audiobook that is available through at their standard pricing.
  • Digital PDF, ePub, and mobi (Kindle compatible) files that are available to download free through Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, and other online outlets.

For security reasons, please do not copy or circulate digital PDF, mobi, or ePub files of this document. Also, do not accept a file from another person. Instead, we ask that you individually download the free digital files through Smashwords.

A Kingdom Perspective

Greater Glory: The Transformational Power of Christian Unity explores the concept of unity from a Biblical perspective, while providing insights to help deal with some of the challenges we face. Digital copies can be downloaded at no cost through BookFunnel, and bulk paperback orders can be placed at a reasonable cost.

Also, the following fifteen-minute messages present a Biblical understanding of Christian unity and the powerful influence of praying with one heart and mind:



Please contact us for more information about spearheading your own Community Prayer Initiative.

If you would like to stay abreast of our ministry endeavors, you can sign up for Bob’s monthly newsletter or our SfMe Media Publishing Notes, which are emailed 3-6 times per year with special announcements and upcoming discounts.

Copyright Permission

Permission is granted to make physical copies of the Community Prayer Devotional for the purpose of praying for your community. However, it is not acceptable to sell the copies that are produced or to change the textual content of this work. For security reasons, please do not copy or circulate digital PDF, mobi, or ePub files of this document. Also, do not accept a file from another person. Instead, we ask that you individually download the digital files at no cost through As long as you reference, it is acceptable to post excerpts on social media and ministry websites for purposes related to prayer, but we ask that you refrain from posting entire chapters.