Our passion is for growth and these free resources will help. There are no strings attached. The downloads are free, with some providing the option of a small payment. Search for Me Ministries does not collect your personal information.
Free downloads of the Community Prayer Devotional are available from Smashwords.com. Digital covers cannot personalized for any particular communities, but we wanted to make the content of this book available for those who are considering a Community Prayer Initiative and for those who might be challenged to afford it otherwise.
Greater Glory challenges us to be truly Biblical in our Christian relationships. This book partners well with the Community Prayer Devotional and can be downloaded from Smashwords.com. You can ay as little as nothing or as much as $4.99.
Understanding the Christian faith can present quite the challenge sometimes. The Age of Abiding connects the dots, enabling us to grasp the beauty and wisdom of God’s design. Digital copies can be downloaded through Smashwords.com. You can ay as little as nothing or as much as $4.99.