Why have I seen so little change in my life since I came to Christ? Why does God seem so judgmental? Why am I addicted to the need for human approval? What does God expect of me? These might be just a few of the nagging questions you find lingering in the back of your mind. Perhaps it’s time to take a new and fresh step forward in your journey with God!
Growth happens in the roots, not merely on the surface! The Search for Me identity series will take people deeper–deeper in their walk with God, deeper in the Scriptures, deeper in their relationships, deeper into freedom from the dominion of sin. This personal journey of discovery is not to be taken alone, but together with others hungry for truth and change.
Every Christian on the face of this earth needs to go through this!
– Dale Adams, Senior Pastor
Check out clips from the DVD on our Vimeo channel.
The Search for Me small group kit, which contains a 12-session DVD set and paperback study guide can be purchased by contacting SfMe Ministries.