The Search for Me Series MP3 AudioThe Search for Me: A Journey Toward a Rock Solid Identity

By Bob Santos

Why have I seen so little change in my life since I came to Christ? Why does God seem so judgmental? Why am I addicted to the need for human approval? What does God expect of me? These might be just a few of the nagging questions you find lingering in the back of your mind. Little do we realize how many of our struggles are tied to our sense of identity.

Growth happens in the roots, not merely on the surface! The Search for Me identity series will take people deeper–deeper in their walk with God, deeper in the Scriptures, deeper in their relationships, deeper into freedom from the dominion of sin. This personal journey of discovery is not to be taken alone, but together with others hungry for truth and change.

Every Christian on the face of this earth needs to go through this!

– Dale Adams, Senior Pastor

This life-changing series is available for FREE download


You can also listen to the entire series for free here!

Chapter 01Chapter 1 – Launch into Your Journey! – Our world tries hard to force us into its mold, but God has a higher call for every one of us. To discover our God-given identity, we must step out of our comfort zones and journey into the unknown!

Chapter 1 – Launch into Your Journey!


 Chapter 2 – The Problem with Cain – We cannot fully experience the blessings of God until we better understand the cause of the “Crash” and its long-term ramifications. Otherwise, we continually repeat the errors of our ancestors.

Chapter 2 – The Problem with Cain


Chapter 3 – The Fig Leaf Mania Club – Collateral damage from the Crash has left us doubting God and fearing shame. Finding wholeness and freedom requires that we move beyond a shallow emphasis on image, canceling our memberships to the Fig Leaf Mania Club.

Chapter 3 – The Fig Leaf Mania Club


Chapter 4 – The Natural Order – Pride, guilt and condemnation are deadly symptoms of humankind’s constant need to measure up to moral and cultural standards of perfection. The content of this message provides a powerful step toward freedom!

Chapter 4 – The Natural Order


Chapter 5 – The Great Irony of Heaven – Jesus was much more than simply a good teacher or another in a long line of religious leaders. The cross of Christ is both the fulcrum of human history and the foundation of our personal approval in the eyes of God.

Chapter 5 – The Great Irony of Heaven


Chapter 6 – The Cure for Spiritual Scurvy – Far too many of us have bought into the lie that power of sin over our lives can never be broken. How we need to understand that grace is so much more than we often allow it to be!


Chapter 6 – The Cure for Spiritual Scurvy


Chapter 7 – A Gospel Smoothie – Four words is all that it takes to grasp the essence of Christianity. This session will simplify the difficult things we have discussed previously, as well as help us to see ourselves through the spiritual eyes of God.

Chapter 7 – A Gospel Smoothie


Chapter 8 – The Crabby World of Judgmentalism – Our inability to understand the difference between righteous and unrighteous judgments has damaged so many relationships. God is calling His Church to a new measure of oneness in our day!

Chapter 8 – The Crabby World of Judgmentalism


Chapter 9 – How Will I Know? – We all search for security in an increasingly crazy and mixed up world. Now is the time for all Christians to rediscover the powerful dynamics of our covenant relationship with God. A God-given identity finds its roots in covenant.


Chapter 10 – Dead Dog Love – Sometimes we are blind to it, but our heavenly Father’s love pursues us in ways beyond explanation. We are transformed as we begin to understand that He faithfully loves us even when we are at our worst.

Chapter 10 – Dead Dog Love


Chapter 11 – The Great Romance – There are some truths that dare never be lost! Marriage is about so much more than living together and raising a family–it is meant to provide us with a deeper grasp of what it means to be a Christian.

Chapter 11 – The Great Romance


Chapter 12 – Unfading Glory – We find in the Christian faith something far greater than anything this world has to offer. The Search for Me is a search for identity that can be fulfilled only as we humble ourselves and develop genuine relationships with God and His people.

Chapter 12 – Unfading Glory