Can the Church Be Saved?

posted in: Love, The Church, Wisdom | 0

If what I read in the media is correct, the church in America should now be taking its final gasps of air. Christians have all become judgmental hypocrites, pastors are dropping like flies, young people are leaving in record numbers, … Continued

How to Flourish in Uncertain Times

There was a day—and I’m old enough to remember it—when the United States of America was the envy of the world. Sure, we had times of uncertainty and upheaval, but as a whole, ours was a prosperous economy with a … Continued

The Keys to a Peace-filled Existence

Noah Webster once wrote: “Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe.” And you thought all Noah did was write dictionaries! Webster is also reported to have stated, … Continued

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