Day 5 – Confessing Our Sins

The moment that Adam and Eve defied God and ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil stands at the epicenter of human tragedy. And as bad as the situation was, our ancient ancestors made matters all … Continued

Another Reason Thanksgiving Day Shopping Is a Bad Idea

The scene was mysterious and confusing. After the exodus from Egypt, and while still in the wilderness, the ancient Israelites found one of their own people gathering firewood on a Sabbath day. In accord with a commandment previously given, God … Continued

We Are Bothered by Injustice Because God Is Bothered by Injustice

Nazis were not nice people. In their quest for world domination, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party intentionally caused the deaths of well over 50 million people. We are not talking just about soldiers killing soldiers. The ultimate goal of … Continued

The Glorious Sweet Corn of August

You’ll find it there sitting in a corner of Hoss’s parking lot on most days in August. I speak of an old maroon pickup truck with wooden side boards and a green shaded canopy over the bed—a bed piled high … Continued

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