The First Step to Defeating a Giant

The contrast could not have been more extreme. There stood the shepherd boy, David, facing Goliath. The towering giant carried a massive spear, wore the protection of heavy armor, and was flanked by an armor bearer. David—a young teenager of … Continued

Insecurity Killed the King

It seems rather strange that Samuel would anoint the shepherd-boy, David, to be king while the currently reigning king, Saul, still held the throne. Further still, David was not part of Saul’s lineage. Without kinship, David would be seen as … Continued

Has the Salt of the Earth Lost Its Flavor?

I don’t think there is much question about it—the United States is a nation in decline. Whether we speak of a decreased standard of living or increased moral decay, we do not live in a visibly promising time. The sad … Continued

From Spiritual Mountaintop to Spiritual Wilderness

Dramatic. Powerful. Intense. All are words that I would use to describe the weeks following my conversion to Christianity. Surrendering my life to Christ was without question a calculated decision; I was not crying out to God in a moment … Continued

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