Processing Discontentment

Were there none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach anything better. –Florence Nightingale, humanitarian and writer By faith he lived as an alien in the land of promise, as in a foreign land, dwelling … Continued

Ours Is a Different World

My father-in-law (Ted) passed away several months back. It was a difficult time for the entire family as we lost a man we dearly loved. Understandably, my mother-in-law got the worst of the deal. Not only did she lose her … Continued

Something Greater than 9-11

It happens every year when the anniversary of 9/11 rolls around. I find myself wishing that those violent and horrific terrorist attacks had never happened—not only for the lives lost but because of the negative changes that have come to … Continued

Is Change Really Possible?

Change, my friends is inevitable. Nothing is static in this transient world. Nothing! This is especially true in a world of rapidly evolving technology. Today’s new thing will probably be obsolete by the end of the week! But when we … Continued

The Times, They Are A-Changin’

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I’m not sure why, but I’ve always like Bob Dylan’s singing voice. Although I was born a little late to join the protests of the sixties, I must have somehow absorbed the feel of the era. Dillon’s title track from … Continued

Position Yourself for Change

My son was a wrestler in high school. Wrestling is a grueling individual sport. When you’re out on the mat, there’s absolutely nobody to hide behind! If you’re skilled and well prepared, everybody knows it. If you are not, well, … Continued

Believe in Yourself! Seriously?

It is the mantra of our day. From the earliest of ages our children are showered with the believe in yourself message. “You can go anywhere, accomplish anything. The ability lies deep within you. All you need to do is … Continued

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