Why Identity Matters

The first day of summer, I thought, would be a great day to release my new book, From Glory to Glory: Finding Real Significance in an Image-Driven World. Little did I know that it was also National Selfie Day. Some … Continued

Redefining Your Identity

The major strategy of Satan is to distort the character of God and the truth of who we are. He can’t change God and he can’t do anything to change our identity and position in Christ. If, however, he can … Continued

The Amazing Privilege of Being a Child of God

Our faith was also prefigured in Abraham. . . . Know ye therefore, that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham. faith and ours are one and the same. –Irenaeus, second-century church father Then Moses … Continued

Are We Spiritual Orphans?

There is no more blessed way of living than the life of faith upon a covenant-keeping God—to know that we have no care, for he careth for us, that we need have no fear, except to fear him, that we … Continued

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