The Rocky Road of Love

“Are you kidding me?” We don’t know Mary’s exact words when she learned she’d have to transport her highly pregnant body some 70 miles or more from Nazareth to Bethlehem, but it’s safe to assume neither she nor Joseph cherished … Continued

The Christmas Blend Revival?

I can envision the scenario: Facing relentless pressure from some evangelical Christians, Starbucks decides to abandon its minimalist red cup Christmas design. Soon, happy little images of dancing snowflakes, smiling Santas, and ornamented trees revive the “true spirit” of Christmas. … Continued

Our Unlikely Savior

posted in: Grace, Holidays, Hope, Pride & Humility | 0

The King of Glory came to earth apart from the religious establishment, born in a stable filled with manure and overrun by flies. Angels announced His birth to a group of lowly shepherds who likely smelled as bad as the … Continued

God Loves a Cheerful Giver

posted in: Faith, God's Character, Holidays, Love | 0

There was a news report the other day of police officers in Kansas City pulling people over to give them money from a secret Santa. The emotions rendered by the story were the exact opposite of those being expressed all … Continued

The Joy of Giving

posted in: Grace, Holidays, Love | 0

Grace is so integral to the Christian faith that people can sometimes fail to realize that the general concept is not unique to Christianity. In ancient secular Greek writings, the word charis essentially meant “that which delights.” In this sense, … Continued

Feeling Overwhelmed?

Most of us know the feeling. So much to do and so little time to do it. So many needs and expectations to meet. So many things that we feel we should be doing but can’t seem to get to. … Continued

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