Christianity through the Eyes of a . . . Muslim?

How do you view Muslims? If you are like many conservatives in America, it’s likely that you see Muslims through stereotypical eyes. That would mean that you don’t really know many—or any—Muslims, but that your perspective is determined by a … Continued

Do Conservative Christians Champion Immorality?

“The Republicans are for the rich and the Democrats are for the poor.” So goes the sum-total of political ideology handed down to me by my parents. Oversimplified, perhaps, but it made perfect sense for a family existence that was … Continued

Are Conservative Christians Warmongers?

Bullies are not nice people. “Snugene”—as some high school friends and I had not-so-fondly named him—was no exception. I knew Snugene in my pre-Christian days and had little concern for his family life or personal well-being. All I knew was … Continued

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