Day 22 – Giving God Our Burdens

Fearing that someone might inadvertently violate the Sabbath, Jewish religious leaders developed a long document—twenty-four chapters in all—to explain how to observe this “day of rest.” They went into meticulous detail to explain what type of work could be done … Continued

Day 21 – Freed by Love

King Saul was quite the human specimen. A man of stunning appearance, he stood head and shoulders above his contemporaries. Moreover, Saul’s father Kish was a valiant warrior from the beloved tribe of Benjamin. When the people of Israel demanded … Continued

The Prince of Peace

Abide in Me says Jesus. Cling to Me. Stick fast to Me. Live the life of close and intimate communion with Me. Get nearer to Me. Roll every burden on Me. Cast your whole weight on Me. Never let go your hold … Continued

Letting Go of Control

If there be, therefore, perpetual failure in your life, it cannot arise from any weakness or impotence in the Mighty God; but from some failure on your part. That failure may probably be discovered in one of three hiding places—imperfect … Continued

Cheaters Are Losers

posted in: God's Character, Grace, Justice, Sin | 0

Deflate-gate. For those who follow NFL football, the deflated football discovery in the Patriots/Colts game has created quite the stir. Eleven of the twelve Patriots’ footballs were below the acceptable air pressure—giving the Patriots certain advantages in the game—but no … Continued

Insecurity Killed the King – Part II

The tragic story of Saul’s demise provides a powerful historical lesson for anyone aspiring to leadership: unconquered insecurity will corrupt the noblest of ambitions. Sadly, Saul’s error continues to be repeated generation after generation—even among Christian leaders. Shortly after I … Continued

Forgiveness Is . . . Letting Go

In thinking of bitterness I would venture to guess that most people consider it an issue of being hurt or wronged. And while this is certainly true, there is an interwoven thread that so often colors the dynamics of our … Continued

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