The Amazing Thing that God Wants to Do In You

What is the most outlandish thing that you can imagine God doing in your life? How about taking your most problematic weakness and turning it into your greatest strength? Does the thought of it seem extreme? Perhaps, but the Creator … Continued

Who Are You Trying to Be?

Has there ever been a little boy who hasn’t dreamt of being a hero? If so, the number would be few. In ancient days, visions of kingship would have abounded in young minds. Several years back, my wife was babysitting … Continued

Did David Cheat Goliath?

There I sat, somewhat mystified. While doing some research on the story of David and Goliath, I had been reading a blog about Goliath’s armor. The content was all well and good, but one of the comments captured my attention—and … Continued

The Secret to Great Faith

 “Jets were invented by people too inexperienced to know what couldn’t be done.” So reads a line in an old Invention and Technology magazine. One of the main points of the article was that most engineers were preoccupied with piston-driven turbo … Continued

Will You be a Game Changer?

Western Pennsylvania is mourning the loss of an area hero. The name, Chuck Noll, may not mean much to most people across the globe, but he is an icon in Pittsburgh. The Pittsburgh Steelers football team was once the laughing … Continued

The First Step to Defeating a Giant

The contrast could not have been more extreme. There stood the shepherd boy, David, facing Goliath. The towering giant carried a massive spear, wore the protection of heavy armor, and was flanked by an armor bearer. David—a young teenager of … Continued

What God Wants

  When they entered, he looked at Eliab and thought, “Surely the Lord’s anointed is before Him.” But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected … Continued

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