Day 6 – Enlarge My Heart

I have walked this earth for more decades than I care to admit, but there is a part of me that never really grew up. My all-time favorite Christmas story continues to be How the Grinch Stole Christmas. I’m not … Continued

Cheaters Are Losers

posted in: God's Character, Grace, Justice, Sin | 0

Deflate-gate. For those who follow NFL football, the deflated football discovery in the Patriots/Colts game has created quite the stir. Eleven of the twelve Patriots’ footballs were below the acceptable air pressure—giving the Patriots certain advantages in the game—but no … Continued

The NFL’s Big Mistake

There was a day when American football was a man’s sport. Men yelled and snorted and belched during a game while the women of the house dutifully keep the food and drinks flowing. In spite of the occasional male glare, … Continued

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