Day 30 – Resting from Comparing

I once heard the anchor of a major TV news network speak in a condescending manner about those who believe the Bible to be true. To his educated mind, a rudimentary belief in that ancient document reveals a certain lack … Continued

Redefining Your Identity

The major strategy of Satan is to distort the character of God and the truth of who we are. He can’t change God and he can’t do anything to change our identity and position in Christ. If, however, he can … Continued

Insecurity Killed the King – Part II

The tragic story of Saul’s demise provides a powerful historical lesson for anyone aspiring to leadership: unconquered insecurity will corrupt the noblest of ambitions. Sadly, Saul’s error continues to be repeated generation after generation—even among Christian leaders. Shortly after I … Continued

Insecurity Killed the King

It seems rather strange that Samuel would anoint the shepherd-boy, David, to be king while the currently reigning king, Saul, still held the throne. Further still, David was not part of Saul’s lineage. Without kinship, David would be seen as … Continued

Why Egocentric Ministry Makes Apathetic People

“Whose kingdom are you building, yours or Mine?” These words spoken to me by the Holy Spirit were not physically audible, but they could not have been louder. On that day in the fall of 1993, my life was forever … Continued

The Profile of a Mass Shooter

posted in: Doubt, Hope, Identity, Perseverence | 0

Once again, the United States has been rocked by a mass shooting in which mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, siblings, children, and grandparents have been brutally murdered. The shooting at the Washington Naval Yard was serious enough (meaning that enough people … Continued

Something Greater than 9-11

It happens every year when the anniversary of 9/11 rolls around. I find myself wishing that those violent and horrific terrorist attacks had never happened—not only for the lives lost but because of the negative changes that have come to … Continued

The Perfect Bond of Disunity

I recently angered someone by a comment I made. I’m sure you’ve done it too. I certainly wouldn’t compare the experience to a pleasant summer day. More like a gray, ominous thunderhead consuming the skyline! Ironically, my goal was to … Continued

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