Day Six – The Roots of Unrest

  Should the Bible be taken literally or figuratively? The answer is an unequivocal “Yes!” Parts of the Bible are to be taken literally, while others are intended to be figurative. Jesus Himself said that the Scriptures cannot be broken … Continued

We Are Bothered by Injustice Because God Is Bothered by Injustice

Nazis were not nice people. In their quest for world domination, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party intentionally caused the deaths of well over 50 million people. We are not talking just about soldiers killing soldiers. The ultimate goal of … Continued

The Mystery of Violence Revealed

World peace! It is a vision long held by many. Each New Year, it seems, we try to cast off the violence of the previous year like a dog trying to shake off water. Unfortunately, dogs are much more effective … Continued

Is God Really In Control?

Heartbreaking is probably the best word I can use to describe the aftermath of superstorm Sandy that ravaged the eastern coast of the U.S. this week. But the use of this word is by no means limited to recent events. We … Continued

The Zombie Conspiracy

Zombie movies. Vampire films. Crime shows. Violent video games. What’s the common thread? It appears that our culture is increasingly preoccupied with death. Somehow, I don’t think this is a good sign. There are those who would tell us that … Continued

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