Day 18 – The Center of the Universe

The Covid-19 pandemic of 2020 has not only wreaked death and havoc on our world, it has also brought some unexpected difficulties—such as a toilet paper shortage. Store shelves that were normally overflowing with this common staple suddenly became bare. … Continued

Day 17 – Cursed No More!

I find no difficulty identifying the two worst days in the history of our planet. The first was when Adam and Eve joined the cosmic rebellion, and the second was the day that the human race crucified the Lord of … Continued

Day Eight – It Is Finished!

Therefore, since we have been declared righteous by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 5:1 (HCSB) Each year, a local church sponsors a Good Friday community service titled “Seven Last Words.” It is a … Continued

The Power of a Question

Christians often claim that Jesus is “The Answer,” and I would never disagree with such a statement. At the same time, Jesus asked an awful lot of questions. In fact, approximately 300 are recorded in the gospels. The Son of … Continued

Our Living Hope!

The fallout from the Ashley Madison scandal continues, and it isn’t pretty. On August 18, 2015, hackers exposed the names of more than 30 million people listed on the adultery-oriented website. Six days later, Christie Gibson found her husband John’s … Continued

What Is Truth?

It was a scene for the ages. The beaten and bloody Jesus of Nazareth stood weakly before the notorious Pontius Pilate. Surprisingly, Jesus—the man about to be tortured to death—exuded confidence, while the Roman prefect of Judea found himself internally … Continued

What Makes Jesus Different?

Throughout the entire history of humankind—however long that has been—there has never been a person like Jesus Christ. Never. There is enough information about the uniqueness of Jesus to easily fill a book, but I’d like to highlight one particular … Continued

How Real Is God?

I’m getting up in years, but I can still remember learning about Greek and Roman mythology in elementary school. The associated gods and creatures fit the idea of almost every little boy’s dream. In fact, they almost ranked right up … Continued

What If It Were Me?

The images are difficult to shake. Twenty-one bound men clothed in orange jumpsuits being paraded along the beach by masked fighters dressed in black. Some are fearful. Some are praying. All are about to have their heads severed from their … Continued

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