Justice in Baltimore?

It has never before happened in the history of Major League Baseball—two teams playing a regular-season game in an empty stadium. It’s not that and estimated 30,000 fans didn’t want to watch from the stands as the Baltimore Orioles scored … Continued

Why Justice Is Elusive

posted in: God's Character, Justice, Love | 0

George Zimmerman: found by a jury to be not guilty of murdering Trayvon Martin. Was justice served? Personally, I don’t see how the jury could have convicted Zimmerman of murder; there simply wasn’t enough hard evidence. That’s probably why the … Continued

For or Against?

My guess is that most of us have heard of Joshua and the battle of Jericho. There’s an interesting part of the story, however, that is rarely told. Now it came about when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted … Continued

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