Day 7 – Teach Me Your Ways

The Word of God is so pregnant with life that sometimes a single verse can transform our thinking. Recently, my mind was opened to a whole new world of thoughts when I heard a pastor quote James 1:20: “The anger … Continued

Why I Voted Against Hillary Clinton

posted in: Freedom, Peace, Prayer, Relationships | 6

I don’t post much about politics. Not that I think them unimportant, but I value my relationships with friends on the right and left too much to let political opinions divide us. As a result, I’ve been biting my digital … Continued

Why You’ve Lost Even If You Won

While on anniversary getaways with another couple, we would often play guys against the gals board or card games. Our wonderful wives rubbed it in when they won and gave us a difficult time when they lost. It didn’t take … Continued

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