Remember God’s Faithfulness!

So many times we say that we can’t serve God because we aren’t whatever is needed. We’re not talented enough or smart enough or whatever. But if you are in covenant with Jesus Christ, He is responsible for covering your weaknesses, for … Continued

Another Reason Thanksgiving Day Shopping Is a Bad Idea

The scene was mysterious and confusing. After the exodus from Egypt, and while still in the wilderness, the ancient Israelites found one of their own people gathering firewood on a Sabbath day. In accord with a commandment previously given, God … Continued

Abstinence Almost Killed Me!

Just about every area of U.S. culture these days seems to be inundated with sexuality. Advertising? Saturated with sexual images. Movies? Full of steamy and explicit passion. Sports? Does the term, “wardrobe malfunction”, bring anything to mind? I personally believe … Continued

Love that Never Dies

Critics of the modern Christianity often complain that our modern Bibles lose something in meaning due the difficulties of language translation. In part, they are correct—although I have found that digging deeper into the original languages is common practice for … Continued

The Grace Dilemma

The New Covenant is amazing! We are free from the requirements of the Old Testament Law and now have a profound measure of freedom under God’s paradigm of grace. I have, however, made it clear over my last several posts … Continued

What Does the Bible Say?

This blog series and the ensuing conversations have centered around the relationship between Christianity and homosexuality. We’ve had some interesting dialogue about a lot of issues, but this discussion can in no way be complete without taking into account a … Continued

What’s Wrong with Religion?

It very common for me to hear people say that Christianity is not about religion, it’s about a personal relationship with God. In essence this is true, but too often religion is erroneously considered to be an evil word. Sometimes … Continued

If We Don’t, Who Will?

One of the interesting things about trying to teach the principles of Christianity is that God requires us to actually live out what we are encouraging others to do. Go figure! In light of this, I was recently challenged to … Continued

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