Day 30 – Resting from Comparing

I once heard the anchor of a major TV news network speak in a condescending manner about those who believe the Bible to be true. To his educated mind, a rudimentary belief in that ancient document reveals a certain lack … Continued

Day 29 – Blessed Are the Peacemakers

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” Matthew 5:9 (ESV) I try to refrain from commenting on controversial issues on social media. Good rarely results. Social media provides a terrific platform for connecting with others … Continued

Day 28 – Destroying the Wall of Hostility

The Jewish temple in the time of Jesus was a sight to behold. The massive complex, which was perched on a prominent hill in the city, had been renovated by the wicked King Herod at great expense. Massive stones had … Continued

Day 27 – PAID IN FULL!

And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. … Continued

Day 26 – What Is a Sinner?

I became a Christian toward the end of my sophomore year in college. Jumping in with both feet, I became actively involved with a great campus fellowship. Many of the young people in our group were devoted to God and … Continued

Day 24 – Finding Peace by Letting Go

Imagine being locked in a filthy prison, the victim of multiple injustices. You have been rejected and betrayed by your own family. And in spite of always helping others and trying to do the right thing, your circumstances continue to … Continued

Day 23 – Do You Want a Blessed Life or a Unicorn Existence?

King David was not a perfect person. And though he had a deep love for God, David took some very self-centered actions—such as sleeping with a trusted warrior’s wife and then having that man killed in battle to cover up … Continued

Day 22 – Giving God Our Burdens

Fearing that someone might inadvertently violate the Sabbath, Jewish religious leaders developed a long document—twenty-four chapters in all—to explain how to observe this “day of rest.” They went into meticulous detail to explain what type of work could be done … Continued

Day 21 – Freed by Love

King Saul was quite the human specimen. A man of stunning appearance, he stood head and shoulders above his contemporaries. Moreover, Saul’s father Kish was a valiant warrior from the beloved tribe of Benjamin. When the people of Israel demanded … Continued

Day 20 – The Stubborn Self-Will

My decision to become a Christian did not come easily or quickly. I was self-willed, and by its very nature, self-will refuses to let go of what it wants. Of course, there were plenty of hypocrites in our community for … Continued

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