How to Find a Church

The church, what a wonderful, terrible organization! While I have always been a strong advocate of local church involvement, I’ve also learned that we need to be discerning in our choices. Below you will find some ideas to help you find … Continued

Can the Church Be Saved?

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If what I read in the media is correct, the church in America should now be taking its final gasps of air. Christians have all become judgmental hypocrites, pastors are dropping like flies, young people are leaving in record numbers, … Continued

What If It Were Me?

The images are difficult to shake. Twenty-one bound men clothed in orange jumpsuits being paraded along the beach by masked fighters dressed in black. Some are fearful. Some are praying. All are about to have their heads severed from their … Continued

The NFL’s Big Mistake

There was a day when American football was a man’s sport. Men yelled and snorted and belched during a game while the women of the house dutifully keep the food and drinks flowing. In spite of the occasional male glare, … Continued

Did David Cheat Goliath?

There I sat, somewhat mystified. While doing some research on the story of David and Goliath, I had been reading a blog about Goliath’s armor. The content was all well and good, but one of the comments captured my attention—and … Continued

Insecurity Killed the King – Part II

The tragic story of Saul’s demise provides a powerful historical lesson for anyone aspiring to leadership: unconquered insecurity will corrupt the noblest of ambitions. Sadly, Saul’s error continues to be repeated generation after generation—even among Christian leaders. Shortly after I … Continued

Has the Salt of the Earth Lost Its Flavor?

I don’t think there is much question about it—the United States is a nation in decline. Whether we speak of a decreased standard of living or increased moral decay, we do not live in a visibly promising time. The sad … Continued

Why Egocentric Ministry Makes Apathetic People

“Whose kingdom are you building, yours or Mine?” These words spoken to me by the Holy Spirit were not physically audible, but they could not have been louder. On that day in the fall of 1993, my life was forever … Continued

Three Mindsets that Have Betrayed the Church

The pain of betrayal has few equals. I can still feel the sting from the time when I helped two friends patch up their broken relationship only to have them both turn against me. I’ve long since forgiven both guys … Continued

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